

Data logging just got easier! 
Xllogger is an innovative new data logging system using direct USB sensors & Excel* for data capture and analysis
Sensors plug straight into USB ports on any Windows computer 
• Simple and easy to set up
• No expensive interface
• Fewer messy leads

No dedicated software program just Microsoft Excel*
• Data is logged directly into Excel* and graphed automatically
• Simple toolbar commands control everything
• Completely intuitive - start logging straight away
• Students work in the familiar Excel* environment
• All the power of Excel* for analysing data is immediately available
Wide range of cost effective sensors
• All the standard sensors with new ones being developed
• Simply plug them in and start logging (no calibration needed)
• Robust construction and encapsulated leads.


Excel* based data logging with
direct USB sensors


Datalogging just got easier!

* Excel is a registered trademark of Microsoft